Catch Me If You Can

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Two Was Actually Fun!

Today we did Plyometrics -- aka, all manner of jumping. I felt like I was shaking my whole house, and I could just hear the echoing below the hardwood floors. But I did keep my heartrate well into the optimal burn zone the whole hour! And I only skipped or watered down a couple of things... one because I just couldn't figure out how to do the move. Practice! I think I'm going to feel all that bouncing in my calves tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we will do Arms & Shoulders + Ab Ripper X. Considering that after Monday, my arms and abs are still feeling it (not sore so much as just making their presence known) it could be interesting...

The Ritz with peanut butter was a good fueling option this morning. Just enough to get me going without weighing me down (or making me vomit), so that's good to know.

I'm just going to keep pushing play, doing my best, and forgetting the rest! Cheers!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Well, I Survived Day One

Aw, yay! Turns out I do still have some checker-inners out there in the ether! *waves hello at the TLS ladies!* I've missed y'all!

Day One = Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X

Chest & Back:

Pushups (on the knees, not the toes): 12 of each kind, every time
Pullups (using the resistance band over the door until I can do pullups): 25 of each kind, every time
Weights (10 lbs each hand): 15 reps for everything

Ab Ripper X:

Barely survived, skipped a couple of the exercises to avoid passing out (we all do the same number of reps so not much to report except general impressions)

I think that's everything. A lot of today was just figuring out how to use the new equipment and how to pace myself. I can push harder next week, because I'll know what to expect!

I also learned that getting up in the morning for a 30 minute jog on an empty stomach or with just a cup of juice or granola bar in me = no problem. But getting up in the morning for a 1.5 hour intense weight-lifting (and let's be honest, pretty aerobic) exercise session on the same fuel = not ok! I have to figure out how to sufficiently fuel up (without getting up any earlier than 5 a.m., and without eating bananas 'cause I don't like 'em) so that I won't feel lightheaded by the time ab ripper X comes around! Today I tried a protein-type bar + gatorade. Tomorrow (and more importantly, Wednesday) I will try Ritz with peanut butter + gatorade. Hoping for a miracle food.

I'm not feeling too sore this evening, though I am sure I will feel it tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, in the morning I'll be doing Plyometrics. It's only an hour. Bring on the cardio!

Oh, and Courtney is doing fine too. We are both still trying to get used to the program. And we are both depressed that we can't do a pullup, so we are determined to keep up with this program at least until we have conquered that much! :^)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Starting P90X

Probably nobody visits this blog anymore, and I understand why. I have not been consistently active, much less blogged about it, in a while. But I'm about to take the 90-day P90X challenge, and I need a place to document my progress. Maybe it's ok if nobody is reading anymore. :)

To keep myself accountable, I am starting P90X with a friend of mine from work, Courtney. She is a first year associate at the firm also, and we are both looking to be more fit and toned, and hopefully not too utterly beaten up by the workouts before us! I don't know about her, but my goal is to not feel super self-conscious at our firm retreat in September -- where there is the possibility of boat outings and pool lounging.

With that goal in mind, here are the (rather depressing) results of my pre-P90X fitness test.

Resting Heartrate: 68 bpm
Pullups: 1/4 (pathetic, I know)
Vertical Leap: 9 inches
Pushups: 7 (real, on the toes pushups; but probably not getting down close enough to the ground)
Flexibility: -6 inches (for a former dancer, that's pretty bad)
Wall Squat: 1 minute 7 seconds
Bicep Curls: 15 (10 pounds in each hand)
Ab Test (In & Outs): 28
Heartrate Immediately after Jump & Jacks: 189
Heartrate One Minute Later: 153
Heartrate Two Minutes Later: 136
Heartrate Three Minutes Later: 121
Heartrate Four Minutes Later: 113

Hopefully all of those measurements will improve over the next 90 days!

P90X offers a full diet plan and everything, but I don't know how much of the diet I am going to attempt. My goal is to eat healthier (no sodas, less processed foods, more fresh homecooked meals, more veggies, more water) and just see what happens.

Ready to bring it first thing tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!